Mental Health Stabilization

Our team works with you and your family to decide how to proceed with the next phase of your recovery.


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The panic that comes with mental illness can make individuals feel as if the world around them is crumbling. This feeling is amplified when a person’s mental condition coincides with a substance use disorder (SUD). If an individual is mentally unstable, the consequences can be debilitating and dangerous behavior might occur. That is why stabilizing mental health in a person is crucial to a successful recovery.

Mental Health Stabilization - MD Home
Mental Health Stabilization - MD Home

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What is Mental Health Stabilization?

Mental health stabilization refers to getting an individual to a non-crisis level, so that they are not a harm to themselves or others. This is usually one of the first steps in treatment as stability is essential in creating a strong foundation for recovery. Once a person is stable, they will typically undergo dual diagnosis treatment, which addresses co-occurring mental health and substance use disorders. 

The Link Between Mental Illness and Substance Abuse

Mental health and addiction are closely intertwined. In fact, many of those struggling with addiction have a co-occurring mental health disorder. Often, this disorder is an underlying cause of the individual’s substance abuse. Other times, a person’s addiction might worsen due to an undiagnosed mental health disorder. Either way, the two negatively interact, making it that much harder for individuals to get sober and stay sober. When both conditions are treated together, a person has a much higher rate of a relapse-free recovery. However, in order for this treatment to work, a person must become mentally and physically stable. Without this stability, recovery is very difficult and setbacks are common. 

Mental Health Stabilization - MD Home
Mental Health Stabilization - MD Home
Mental Health Stabilization - MD Home
Mental Health Stabilization - MD Home

Signs and Symptoms of Mental Instability

It is not always clear to individuals or their loved ones that they need help stabilizing their mental health. Countless people across the nation are living with undiagnosed mental illnesses. Some common indicators that somebody might be struggling with their mental stability include: 

• Substance abuse

• Problems with concentration and excessive worrying

• Mood swings

• Changes in eating or sleeping habits 

• Professional turmoil or legal troubles 

• Inability to connect with family and friends

• Loss of energy 

• Lack of enthusiasm in things that were once enjoyed

Additionally, diagnosed mental health disorders can lead to mental instability. Common conditions that may result in the need for mental stabilization include:

• Anxiety

• Depression

• Personality disorders

• Bipolar disorder

• Schizophrenia



• Substance use disorder

How Do Treatment Centers Stabilize Mental Health?

Though it can seem hopeless at times, there is help available for stabilizing mental health. Treatment centers know that your mental wellbeing is an important component of your healing process and want to get you the help you need to move forward in recovery. To accomplish this goal, they use several evidence-based interventions. These include:



Drugs and alcohol can drastically affect your mental health. By ridding these toxins from your system, you will be overall healthier and have more clarity. This sense of clarity will make it easier to process your thoughts — getting you one step closer to stabilizing your mental health.



Antidepressants and antipsychotics are both powerful resources in the treatment of mental illness. Additionally, medications such as benzodiazepines can be used as short-term solutions for stabilizing mental health while sleep aids promote rest in those with mental health disorders.



Therapy and forms of psychological testing can help you to monitor your mental wellbeing.



Therapy can help you address the underlying issues of your condition so that you can move forward. This treatment method can help you both achieve and maintain mental stability.

Stabilizing Mental Health at Home

There are certain strategies that promote mental stability and can be practiced at home. These are meant to be used in unison with treatment modalities such as talk therapy and medication. A major part of stabilizing mental health at home includes adopting healthy patterns. A consistent sleep schedule is important in promoting wellness and optimal functioning. Nutrition is also a key component in a healthy lifestyle. By eating well-rounded, nutritious meals your mind will be less clouded and your mood more stable. Additionally, exercise is a great way to get out pent-up energy as well as relieve stress and release energizing endorphins. 

MD Home Detox can also assist in stabilizing mental health at home. Our detox services get you clean, so that you can focus on healing from both your addiction and mental health disorder. We provide 24/7 supervision to ensure you remain both physically and mentally stable at all times.

Benefits of Stabilizing Mental Health

There are a plethora of benefits associated with stabilizing mental health. Since happiness and mental wellbeing are closely linked, one of the largest benefits of mental stability is an overall feeling of hope and fulfillment.

Additional benefits include: 

• Healthy, meaningful relationships

• Success in your personal and professional life

• Sobriety

• Higher self-esteem

• Clarity and energy 

• Reduced stress

• Improved physical health

Stabilizing Mental Health in Los Angeles, CA

Feeling mentally unstable can be incredibly scary and stressful. Thankfully, treatment is available. Our compassionate team is dedicated to helping you achieve mental stability so that you can find recovery and sobriety. To learn more or to get started today, please give us a call or visit our contact form.