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Xanax Addiction & Detox

Xanax addiction is a serious disease and detox is the first step toward combating a psychological or physical addiction.

What is Xanax?

Xanax belongs to a group of drugs called benzodiazepines, which are designed to treat different types of anxiety disorders and sleep disorders. They work by interacting with the GABA receptors in the brain, which are responsible for reducing the activity of the neurons it binds to. Benzodiazepines like Xanax enhance the function of the GABA receptors, allowing for additional reduction of activity. This is why Xanax (known generically as alprazolam) is effective in treating some of the symptoms of anxiety or sleep disorders. 

While Xanax has and continues to improve the lives of millions of people, it still remains a drug that is highly addictive and habit-forming. If taken outside of the direction of medical or psychological professionals, Xanax abuse can ensue and lead to the development of full-blown addiction. Prescription drugs like Xanax are so addictive that a person can become dependent on them extremely quickly. Unfortunately, once dependent on Xanax, it can be near impossible to stop using without the help of professionals. Xanax dependence can also turn deadly not because of the continual abuse of it, but because of the potentially fatal withdrawal symptoms that can develop if a person suddenly stops their use.

Xanax Addiction & Detox
Xanax Addiction & Detox

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The Difference Between Abuse and Addiction

Xanax addiction is a serious problem that, as just mentioned, can end in death even when someone attempts to stop using. There is a difference, however, between Xanax addiction and Xanax abuse. The primary difference between the two is that Xanax addiction denotes dependence while Xanax abuse can occur without dependence. 

Addiction is a progressive disease. Someone who abuses Xanax does not automatically become dependent on it, nor do they go from zero to sixty in regards to regular, constant use. All Xanax addictions can be traced back to Xanax abuse, where a person misused this prescription drug to the point where the brain’s structure and function began changing. When these changes occur, the need to continue using at all costs becomes compulsive and it is very challenging (if not impossible) for a person to stop their use. This is when Xanax abuse, which refers to the misuse of this benzodiazepine, creates a dependence and alters the overall functionality of the brain. Those who abuse Xanax but who are not dependent on it do not experience withdrawal symptoms if they stop using, nor do they experience the constant, nagging feeling of needing to use to function.

Xanax Dependence

Going from Xanax abuse to Xanax addiction isn’t a process that occurs within the blink of an eye, but it can happen fast. Once a dependence to Xanax has formed, trying to stop use can feel like an insurmountable obstacle to even consider achieving. But, how does dependence form? Consider the following:

  1. Xanax abuse occurs and starts to become regular over time
  2. The body becomes tolerant to Xanax, meaning that it needs higher doses of it for the user to achieve the desired, influenced high 
  3. The user gets trapped in a cycle of constantly needing to increase how much Xanax they consume just to feel high
  4. As tolerance develops, it fuels further Xanax abuse, which impacts the brain in ways that now make the user dependent on this prescription drug


Xanax dependence can produce several challenges for an individual, however arguably the greatest of those challenges is the risks associated with going from dependence to recovery.

Xanax Addiction & Detox
Xanax Addiction & Detox
Xanax Addiction & Detox
Xanax Addiction & Detox

Xanax Detox and Withdrawal Symptoms

Detox is the process of clearing the body of any and all addictive and mind-altering substances. This is done by ceasing all use of addictive substances. However, when dependent on any substance, ending use will trigger the development of withdrawal symptoms. For those with a Xanax addiction, the withdrawal symptoms that can be experienced can range from being mildly distressing to being deadly. That is why it is imperative that those who want to stop using Xanax do so in the care of medical and mental health professionals within a detox setting who can help manage and prevent intense withdrawal symptoms. 

Some of the most common withdrawal symptoms that people detoxing from Xanax include, but are not limited to, the following:

• Muscle aches
• Headaches
• Blurred vision
• Sweating
• Insomnia
• Sensitivity to light
• Diarrhea
• Tremors
• Anxiety
• Tremors
• Panic
• Paranoia

These withdrawal symptoms can be managed fairly easily through the use of over-the-counter and all-natural medications. However, there are more serious symptoms that can develop during detox that can cause severe damage and even death, including:

• Heart Palpatations
• Fever
• Seizures

Seizures are the greatest concern when it comes to benzodiazepine addicts detoxing. On their own, seizures can be so powerful that they harm the brain enough to cause death or permanent, life-altering damage. But seizures are also hazardous because when someone experiences one, they can suffer a fall, get into an accident if they are on the go, or cause physical damage to themselves. In many cases, death due to a seizure is because of these circumstances. 

To prevent serious, life-threatening issues, the best way to detox is to do so in a professional treatment center. Depending on the severity of a person’s dependence, they may be gradually weaned off of Xanax to minimize the intensity of the withdrawal symptoms. This helps to lessen the possibility of seizures and other deadly symptoms, making this process safer than if it was attempted independently.

Home Xanax Addiction

If you or someone you love is addicted to Xanax, MD Home Detox can help. We understand the several challenges that come along with this type of addiction and are able to provide much-needed relief. By reaching out to us right now, you can learn more about our services and how we can help you or your loved one make positive, lasting changes. You do not need to live a life according to Xanax.

Call us right now to take your power back.