

Why Do I Need A Case Manager?

case manager

If you are new to the treatment and recovery world you may wonder any of the following questions: what is a case manager, what is their job, and why do I need one? Or perhaps you’ve been working with a case manager for some time now, and you’re still not entirely sure what it is that they are supposed to be doing for you. Of course, the most direct route would be to ask that person directly about the services they’re providing to you, as there are a number of different types of case managers, however as we employ case managers in our strategy here at MD Home Detox, we believe it’s important to understand their role. 

An official definition of a case manager is described as the human services professional who is responsible for the coordination of care provided for a client or group of clients due to health or human services needs. It is the role of a case manager to work to try to secure optimal health for their clients, whether through identifying needs, sharing resources, communicating directly with clients and providers, educating them and advocating for them.

They will help you create a plan

When experiencing any sort of health crisis, or when finding yourself in need of resources to deal with a difficult situation, it can be helpful to have someone available to help walk you through the process. This is exactly where a case manager’s role comes in. Along with your treatment team, your case manager will help you to create a comprehensive plan that includes ongoing assessment and the proposed treatment interventions and services to be implemented to achieve the co-constructed SMART goals. This includes planning for life after the detox process, whether you’re on to a recovery center, or seeking further in-home outpatient care. 

They are working FOR you

The primary goal of case managers is to focus on improving clients’ clinical, functional, emotional and psychosocial states. As the “glue” of your treatment team, they accomplish this by coordinating care among providers that is safe, timely, effective, and in line with client-dictated goals. This includes ensuring that services are tailored to respect and honor the cultural beliefs and values of clients and their support system. As such, advocating for your needs as the client is paramount to their role, as services are best delivered within a culture of collaboration, that allows for direct and honest communication. 

They will help you find resources

The key role of case managers lies in their vast knowledge of the industry that you are just entering. However, they are not only aware of the processes and the step-by-step pathway towards securing resources for their clients, but they are also willing to take the time to get to know your family’s unique situation and advocate accordingly. They understand the importance of securing quality care and operate from a holistic perspective, seeking well-being across all areas of life: medical, physical, emotional, financial, psychosocial, and behavioral, among others, and providing the appropriate referrals. Case managers work collaboratively across disciplines, to make sure that your treatment team is on the same page, and carries your best interests at heart. At MD Home Detox, your assigned case manager will communicate often with the doctor and therapist and even assist with the legal system and will meet with you weekly to determine progress on identified treatment goals. 

They are professional helpers

Case managers have built their entire job on helping you as their client to succeed and to provide you with the necessary resources to do so, although of course, it is your job to follow through on their recommendation. Whether you have come to case management through an entrance into the detox and recovery process, or through another route, do not discredit the power of the role to help you make changes in your life and get back on track. 

If you have found that your life has become unmanageable, whether due to an addiction or other means, give us a call at 888.592.8541 to find out more, and help you find your way back to the life that you wanted.

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