What To Expect When Detoxing From Alcohol

There are numerous reasons why people struggle to stop drinking excessively, but detoxing from alcohol has symptoms among the most frightening. It’s common knowledge that if you’ve been drinking heavily for a long time, quitting can have side effects. This is especially true if you quit suddenly or ‘cold turkey.’ But how severe is alcohol […]
How to Know If You’re Addicted to Sleeping Pills

Sleeping pills are some of the most commonly prescribed drugs in the United States. Approximately 4% of adults report having used them in the past month. While sleep aids can be beneficial when used occasionally, you can become addicted to sleeping pills if you use them too often. Although many patients start taking sleeping meds […]
The Effects of Mixing Buprenorphine and Alcohol

Mixing drugs is extremely dangerous, and someone hooked on buprenorphine and alcohol may be unaware of how lethal this combination can be. In some cases, mixing the two substances may be unintentional; it can occur when a person taking prescription buprenorphine consumes alcohol before after taking their regularly scheduled dose of buprenorphine. However, in other […]
Effects of Ketamine and Alcohol

Because the combination of the two substances can be highly hazardous, you should make sure you never mix any drugs with alcohol. This case is valid when consuming alcohol and ingesting ketamine due to the unpredictable but unwanted results when combined. Most often, ketamine can have dissociative effects, impairing a person’s awareness of how dangerous […]
Antidepressant Medication and Alcohol

Those who use antidepressant medication and alcohol should be aware of the risks of mixing these medications together because the combination reduces their effectiveness, has numerous side effects, and can be fatal. Therefore, when taking antidepressants, you should avoid drinking alcohol, as mixing these substances can make you feel tired, less alert, and uncoordinated, to […]
The Dangers of Mixing Gabapentin and Alcohol

Epilepsy is a common neurological disorder affecting approximately 5 million people in the United States. For most people with epilepsy, the condition is life-long and has to be managed with medications, like gabapentin. If you have been diagnosed with epilepsy and are being treated with gabapentin, you may wonder if it’s safe to keep drinking […]
Family Dynamics of Addiction and Recovery

Understanding the family dynamics of addiction and recovery is an important part of the recovery journey. Many people who are in the throes of an addiction often have a hard time seeing how their actions are affecting those around them. But the fact remains that addiction doesn’t just affect the addict – it also has […]
Is Kratom Addictive?

In the past several years, a tree from Asia has become the source of a new way for people in the United States to get high. But is Kratom addictive? Kratom now shows up regularly as a drug that causes a high normally obtained from using illegal narcotics. What Is Kratom? Kratom is a […]
Detox From Alcohol At Home

When a person who has struggled with the disease of addiction to alcohol for a long time decides to give up drinking, they often have questions about what the first step should be. Most people are aware of treatment choices that take place in a hospital or residential settings but wonder if they can detox […]
Is Adderall the Same as Meth? Similarities and Differences

A common belief held by many is that Adderall is the same as meth. Adderall is the prescription brand name for a drug that contains amphetamine and dextroamphetamine. Methamphetamines may be part of the same drug family as Adderall but there is a difference. Both stimulate the brain and cause an increase in energy levels […]