The Hardest Drugs to Quit

The world of addiction to drugs and alcohol involves some painful truths. Coming to terms with having a substance use disorder takes bravery and a commitment to getting sober. The first step involves detoxing from the substances and then resisting the urges to start using them again. Some drugs prove more difficult to stop using […]
What is an Intervention?

If you find yourself concerned about a loved one who struggles with an addiction to drugs or alcohol, you may wonder what steps to take. Many people have heard of an intervention but are not sure exactly what it is. We break down the definition of intervention and how to perform one. What Is an […]
What is Microdosing and is it Safe?

Microdosing is the practice of regularly taking small amounts of psychedelic drugs such as LSD on a semi-regular schedule. Dose amounts used when microdosing are typically 5-10% of the regular amount consumed. So, what is microdosing and why do people do it? Why Do People Microdose? People typically use LSD (lysergic acid diethylamide), psilocybin mushrooms, […]
Where Do Kids Hide Drugs?

When you have a teenager who uses drugs, you also have someone who knows how to hide evidence. Children learn early in life how to hide certain things from their parents, like candy, toys, or a note from a teacher. If they reach a point in their lives where they begin to use or abuse […]
How Long Does Adderall Stay in Your System?

The question of how long does Adderall stay in your system does not have one easy answer. It depends on many factors related to dosage amounts and frequency, a person’s physical type and history, and the type of testing done. Adderall is a drug classified in the amphetamine family that stimulates the central nervous system. […]
How to Administer Narcan

Narcan is an FDA-approved medication used to assist someone who has overdosed on opioids. A brand name for the medication Naloxone, it is administered via a nasal spray. Narcan requires a prescription to purchase. Learning how to administer Narcan can save lives. The Narcan website states that its nasal spray should be “used for […]
Does Health Insurance Cover Detox?

When a person who suffers from addiction to alcohol or drugs begins exploring treatment options, they have a lot of questions. Chief among them is how they will pay for it. One common concern centers around this question: Does health insurance cover detox? The good news is that many companies do. Modern times mean that […]
Is Ecstasy Addictive?

Many people are familiar with street drugs such as cocaine, crack, and heroin. They have a basic understanding of the dangerous effects of using them and that they often prove addictive. A popular street drug known by a variety of names, including ecstasy, ‘E’, Molly, and MDMA, remains more mysterious to many people. When someone […]
What is a Sober Companion?

Overcoming addiction is difficult. The battle does not stop after you leave drug rehab. That is why many people hire a sober coach, also known as a sober companion. But what exactly is a sober companion? A sober companion is a professional who will help you stay on track while on the road to addiction […]
The Most Commonly Abused Drugs in LA

Unfortunately, some of the most commonly abused drugs in LA are some of the most deadly. Los Angeles showcases many legendary ideals for most people. Year-round warm weather, proximity to the beach, and the legacy of Hollywood are some of the most popular. L.A. positions itself as the land of opportunity. Each year, thousands of […]