What to Expect Going Through Opioid Detox

Struggling with an opioid addiction can be extremely difficult. Attempting to stop on your own is rarely successful, due to the intensity of withdrawal symptoms. Typically, withdrawal symptoms become too much to bear, and the addict will resume misusing opioids to alleviate the symptoms. For many, successfully quitting opioids is only possible through a medically supervised […]
The Benefits Of Quitting Drinking

Deciding to give up alcohol and quit drinking is a smart and healthy decision. However, kicking this habit can be challenging if you drink regularly, binge drink, or are a heavy drinker. Hence, things are even more difficult if you are addicted to alcohol. Fortunately, no matter what type of drinker you are, there are […]
What Are The Symptoms Of Withdrawal From Vicodin?

When you misuse Vicodin, it can lead to addiction and a substance use disorder. In addition, quitting this drug “cold turkey” can trigger a wide range of unpleasant symptoms of Vicodin withdrawal. As such, when you are ready to get help with your addiction, it is highly recommended to seek medical help for supervised detox. […]
What Foods are Good for Drug Detox?

An essential part of overcoming an alcohol use disorder (AUD) or substance use disorder (SUD) is undergoing detox. However, it is not enough to simply detox the body but to also replace nutrients and vitamins lost while you were addicted. Therefore, it is vital to learn more about what foods are good for drug detox […]
What Are Meth Sores?

Meth abuse causes many problems in a person’s life. Any type of addiction harms people, but meth can prove especially harsh. One of the big risks involves skin damage like meth sores. What are meth sores? They come from harm done to the skin by a meth user. Additionally, not providing medical care for them […]
What To Expect When Detoxing From Cocaine

When detoxing from cocaine, the extent of the withdrawal symptoms can range from mild to more severe. The amount of cocaine taken, the frequency of use, and the length of the substance use disorder determine what symptoms one can experience. As a result, it is understandable that you want to know what to expect when […]
What Are The Effects And Dangers Of Synthetic Drugs?

In recent years, the number of synthetic drugs on the market continues to increase. Some of these drugs are created to be a substitute for prescription medications. In addition, other synthetic drugs are produced and sold legally in place of illicit substances. As a result, there are real dangers of synthetic drugs you need to […]
Can You Get Addicted To Sleeping Pills?

Insomnia can be brought on by excess stress, anxiety, or the inability to quiet one’s thoughts. So, you may take sleeping pills to help you fall asleep when you are struggling with insomnia. It is understandable you may have concerns and wonder whether you can get addicted to sleeping pills. What Are Sleeping Pills? Sleeping […]
What Are The Signs Of Depression?

Most people do not realize the link between depression and addiction and how they are often closely intertwined. Many people struggling with depression can turn to alcohol and drugs to self-medicate to deal with the signs of depression. Conversely, people with alcohol or substance use disorders can develop depression. What Is Depression? It is normal […]
What Are The Hydromorphone Withdrawal Symptoms?

There are different prescription opioid medications used to treat painful conditions, such as hydromorphone. When taken responsibly and as directed, most people do not develop an addiction to the drug. However, when the drug is misused, there are risks of developing dependence and addiction. Whether taken short-term or long-term, there is always the risk of […]