How to Administer Narcan

Narcan is an FDA-approved medication used to assist someone who has overdosed on opioids. A brand name for the medication Naloxone, it is administered via a nasal spray. Narcan requires a prescription to purchase. Learning how to administer Narcan can save lives. The Narcan website states that its nasal spray should be “used for […]
Is Ecstasy Addictive?

Many people are familiar with street drugs such as cocaine, crack, and heroin. They have a basic understanding of the dangerous effects of using them and that they often prove addictive. A popular street drug known by a variety of names, including ecstasy, ‘E’, Molly, and MDMA, remains more mysterious to many people. When someone […]
What is a Sober Companion?

Overcoming addiction is difficult. The battle does not stop after you leave drug rehab. That is why many people hire a sober coach, also known as a sober companion. But what exactly is a sober companion? A sober companion is a professional who will help you stay on track while on the road to addiction […]
The Most Commonly Abused Drugs in LA

Unfortunately, some of the most commonly abused drugs in LA are some of the most deadly. Los Angeles showcases many legendary ideals for most people. Year-round warm weather, proximity to the beach, and the legacy of Hollywood are some of the most popular. L.A. positions itself as the land of opportunity. Each year, thousands of […]
What Happens When You Mix Ritalin and Other Drugs?

For many people, drugs like Ritalin and Adderall are the perfect study aid and there is usually a large market on college campuses for these drugs. These pills can fetch $10-$15 apiece, especially during midterms and finals. What is Ritalin? Ritalin is a drug designed to alter the production of certain chemicals in your brain, […]
Rapid Detox at Home for Opiate Addiction

Rapid detox at home for opiate addiction can help make the pain of withdrawal easier to cope with and encourage successful recovery. The ordeal of kicking an opiate addiction is a grueling, painful and very unpleasant experience. Ask anyone who has gone through it, the minutes can feel like hours and the hours can seem […]
Alcohol Withdrawal and Night Terrors

When detoxing from alcohol, most people are focused on the physical distress they might experience. However, alcohol withdrawal and night terrors are closely associated and impact several during the detox period. As children, we experience our first nightmares. In some cases, they may stay with us for the remainder of our lives, but experiencing what […]
What Is Alcohol Post-Acute Withdrawal Syndrome?

Alcohol post-acute withdrawal syndrome (PAWS) is the recurrence of withdrawal symptoms for months—or even years—after alcohol detox. Acute withdrawal symptoms are usually physical symptoms that last about a week or two during detox. As your symptoms peak during the acute phase of withdrawal, you might begin experiencing mental health symptoms such as anxiety or depression […]
Physical and Psychological Detoxing

The most immediate aspect of any program of recovery is to get the person to quit using any substances, for then the body can begin to heal. This often takes place in detox facilities which provide medical supervision and a controlled setting and that is fine as for many people it is a necessary stage […]
Helping vs. Enabling

When a loved one struggles with substance abuse, stepping in and helping is a natural reaction. We want to help them and often do, as that is what the norms of society and friendship dictate. But what about those cases when that person we help, we think (or know) has a substance-abuse problem? Understanding the […]