Opiate Withdrawal Timeline: How To Physically & Mentally Prepare
If you or someone you know is dependent on opiates, stopping their use can lead to unpleasant and extremely uncomfortable withdrawal symptoms, especially without professional guidance. This article provides insights into the typical opiate withdrawal timeline and offers guidance on preparing yourself physically and mentally for the entire process. What Are Opiates? Opiates are drugs […]
Suboxone vs Subutex: Differences, Similarities, & Effectiveness
Opioids are highly addictive drugs and are most commonly found in prescription painkillers. Many people can become addicted to opioids after using these prescribed drugs and use them for their relaxation and euphoric effects. Suboxone and Subutex are drugs that help individuals combat their opioid addiction. Here, we explore the Suboxone vs Subutex question in […]
How Does Rapid Opioid Detox Work?
Rapid opioid detox is a treatment service offered by select addiction treatment centers that cater to individuals suffering from opioid addiction. Whether the individual is addicted to heroin, fentanyl, or prescription opiates, rapid detox for this addiction quickens the detoxification process so that intensive treatment, which is necessary for full recovery, may commence. This article […]
How Long Do Opioids Stay in Your System?
If you or a loved one is struggling with opioid misuse, taking time to learn more about opioids—like how long do opioids stay in your system—can help you take the first step toward lasting recovery. How long opioids stay in your system depends on several factors, including: The frequency of use The amount being taken […]
Rapid Detox at Home for Opiate Addiction
Rapid detox at home for opiate addiction can help make the pain of withdrawal easier to cope with and encourage successful recovery. The ordeal of kicking an opiate addiction is a grueling, painful and very unpleasant experience. Ask anyone who has gone through it, the minutes can feel like hours and the hours can seem […]
Medical Detox for Opiate Withdrawal Symptoms
Opioid addiction is a growing problem in the United States, affecting an estimated 2.6 million individuals in 2015. What are opioids? These include both prescription pain relievers and street heroin, both of which are highly addictive substances that change the chemistry in the brain. Addiction treatment is an effective method of helping these individuals break […]