MD Home Detox In California

What is CCAPP (California Consortium of Addiction Programs and Professionals)

What is CCAPP

As the rate of addiction soars in the United States, the demand for substance abuse counselors continues to rise. Statistics by the Department of Labor show that this need will increase by close to 23% between 2016 and 2026. This growth is mainly because of two factors.    First, more Americans continue to seek addiction counseling […]

How to Detox from Xanax at Home

detox from xanax at home

For those who have used or abused Xanax for some time, it is quite common for them to wonder how they can detox from Xanax at home or if it is even possible in the first place. Those who quit using Xanax may experience uncomfortable withdrawal signs. Some effects of detoxing from this drug are […]

Why Detoxing at Home is a Good Idea

Detoxing at Home

Deciding that you’re ready to pursue a drug-free lifestyle is a huge and life-changing decision, however, unfortunately, it is only the first of many on your recovery journey. Perhaps you have been subject to an intervention, and your eyes were opened to the impact of your use on yourself and loved ones in your life. […]

Natural vs Medical Detox

natural vs medical detox

When a person habitually uses drugs or alcohol, they are bound to develop tolerance and a physical adaptation to the presence of the substance in their body to the point that they need more of it to function. This is what those in the recovery community call substance “dependence”. Once achieving this status, a sudden […]