What Are The Signs Of Depression?
Most people do not realize the link between depression and addiction and how they are often closely intertwined. Many people struggling with depression can turn to alcohol and drugs to self-medicate to deal with the signs of depression. Conversely, people with alcohol or substance use disorders can develop depression. What Is Depression? It is normal […]
What Is a Dual Diagnosis Treatment Center
A dual diagnosis treatment center treats co-occurring conditions that involve some form of a mental health disorder and a substance abuse disorder. They are equipped to treat both disorders by developing a comprehensive treatment plan to help people with co-occurring conditions. What Is Dual Diagnosis? A dual diagnosis is when someone is abusing substances and […]
Food Addiction. Are You an Addict?
As humans, eating is a necessity for normal body functioning and survival. At some point in our lives, we have overeaten food for being deliciously irresistible, our favorite meals, or due to cravings. This is normal since it has happened to almost everyone, but there is a very thin line between food addiction and over-indulgence […]
Best Bipolar Disorder Home Detox Treatment
Bipolar disorder is a severe mental condition that can cause a lot of harm if left untreated. Previously called manic depression, it is an illness characterized by sudden, extreme changes in emotional states, mood, energy levels, judgment, and behavior. Patients need treatment to curb its effects, which include destroyed relationships, a decline in one’s performance […]
The Devastating Effects of Meth
Many people are aware that there is an addiction epidemic in the United States. What many people don’t realize is that crystal meth addiction is a big part of the equation. While the country has been slowly addressing the opioid epidemic, it’s once again battling problems with newer, stronger versions of the drug. The devastating […]
Treatment For Co-Occurring Disorders
Co-occurring disorders (COD), also known as dual diagnosis, refers to the coexistence of substance abuse and mental health disorders. Unfortunately, the co-occurrence of these two types of disorders can be difficult to diagnose. In fact, completely different therapeutic approaches were used in the past to treat each of these two types of disorders with different […]