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Co-Occurring Disorders

Food Addiction. Are You an Addict?

food addiction

As humans, eating is a necessity for normal body functioning and survival. At some point in our lives, we have overeaten food for being deliciously irresistible, our favorite meals, or due to cravings. This is normal since it has happened to almost everyone, but there is a very thin line between food addiction and over-indulgence in eating. When an individual feels an irresistible need to eat irrespective of having eaten, then that is considered as a craving. If the urge to eat becomes frequent, and the individual finds it difficult to ignore the feeling, it becomes a warning sign for food addiction.

Studies have shown that consumption of highly palatable meals stimulates the brain to release pleasure chemicals such as serotonin and dopamine. This is because these foods contain higher than average amounts of natural substances such as sugar, salt, fat, and carbohydrates that are unable to be processed by the human brain, thereby resulting in the presence of the chemicals all over the body system.

Some common signs of food addiction include:

1. Coming up With Excuses

Most addicts at some point in their lives, make decisions on quitting from addiction. They come up with strategies that involve rules and regulations which they intend to follow. They may adhere to the voluntary standards for a few days and backslide after that. They then go back to the old habits and makeup excuses like, for instance, It’s a gradual process at least I’ve tried to stay away for the past couple of days.

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2. Eating Alone

Individuals with a past of setting personal rules to combat their habits may begin hiding their junk food intake from their friends. They start to eat on their own, without the company of their peers, in their vehicles, and late-night after everybody is off to sleep.

3. Inability to Stop Binge Eating Despite Experiencing Physical Problems

The kind of food one eats impacts greatly on his/her health wellness. Junk products can cause extreme fatigue, mouth odor, increased weight, acne, and poor dental hygiene. Frequent intake may lead to obesity, dementia, particular cancer types, type 2 diabetes, and heart illnesses.

Obese food addicts tend to avoid going out due to low self-esteem, shame, and guilt. At this point, it’s advisable to seek professional medical treatment since they are putting their lives at risk.

4. Continuous Consumption of Certain Foods Even When Feeling Full

It’s not easy trying to lure a food addict into reducing their junk intake since he/she is similar to an alcoholic. They tend to surpass the required standard limits to feel satisfied. For Instance, one ice-cream is never enough, and an addict has to take five or more to feel satisfied. Adhering to limits is impossible for any addict.

5. Food Consumption to the Point of Feeling Ill

Food addicts don’t quit eating till they feel their need is met. This might lead to frequent food intake until the stomach can take no more. At this point, they may feel sick and tired. This behavioral trait is classified as Binge eating.

6. Feeling Guilt and Shame After Doing it Over and Over Again

As a food addict, many times you may try hard to quit high consumption of junk food as it’s unhealthy. It’s quite hard to get over these habits, and they are tempted to cede to the cravings. Later on, the addicts tend to feel guilty for lying on themselves and the wrong behavior. Irrespective of the guilt feelings, the cycle continues over and over again.

Steps To Consider Towards Food Addiction Recovery

Self-awareness is the first step towards empowering oneself in overcoming food addiction. It’s therefore essential to consider the following;

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1. One’s Response After Taking Meals

It’s essential to take into consideration how various types of foods make you feel. For instance, some individuals experience fatigue after wheat consumption, while others get anxiety from sugar intake. To feel better, they may resolve eating more with an assumption that they will be okay after that. This might worsen the situation.

2. Being Conscious

Whenever you feel an urge for some food, it’s important to get back to your current moment through exercising. For Instance, practice deep, long breathing until the feeling is no more and you feel in control of your actions.

3. Take Note of Foods That Stimulate Binge Eating

As an individual, it is essential to take note of the food that stimulates binge eating. It is not easy to cut off the foods from your diet immediately, so it’s recommended that you reduce the intake gradually. This way, you can be able to control the cravings before seeking professional help.

For most individuals, obsession is a way of getting rid of inner hurt. This needs to be dealt with since, as humans, we need to resolve our inner battles to experience peace of mind and general wellness. It’s advisable to speak out since it’s a step towards recovery. You can also speak to your trusted colleagues and friends to feel relieved and also get their point of view.

When To Seek Medical Intervention.

Food addiction affects personal interactions and how individuals relate to each other socially. They tend to experience problems in their places of work, school and may even isolate themselves from their peers. Loss of interest in activities and hobbies they once pursued can be experienced. However, seeking professional medical care can be sought by the addicts.

Seek Medical Care Today At MD Home Detox Centers

MD Home Detox Centers are specialized in the provision of individualized concierge services to clients by our various expert trained medical personnel at your home. Our medical professionals can monitor your progress from your home

This type of medical treatment is great for clients who prefer privacy, and it allows the medical experts to note what circumstances stimulate your food addiction. They are then able to come up with a specific plan for you to the environment and your social interactions. Various programs can be used in treating food addiction, such as; Dialectical and Cognitive behavioral therapy, Trauma therapy, and Yoga therapy sessions.

MD Home Detox has several locations across the Country, such as Connecticut, Colorado, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, California, and Washington. Most of our clients prefer home treatment rather than our inpatient facilities. At MDHome Detox, we also stage professional interventions to help you accept the reality and begin treatment. For clients opting for executive treatment, we also offer executive detox programs.


Food addiction can be classified as a gradual illness because the exact brain centers that are stimulated by hard drugs such as cocaine are also responsible for the uncontrollable urge for food. Individuals suffering from food addiction portray signs and symptoms such as extravagance on food products, continuous thoughts about food, low concentration span, difficulty to sleep (Insomnia) and oversleeping, extreme fatigue, migraines, restlessness, jumpiness and digestion problems.

Visit us today, and our team will help find a program suitable for your long-term recovery from food addiction.
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