Naloxone: A Second Chance at Life

In 2017 there were 70,237 reported drug overdose deaths that occurred in the United States. Of these, 67.8% involved opioids of any kind (47,600). Since the early 2000s, Naloxone was introduced in order to combat these figures, and access to this so-called “miracle drug” has been steadily increasing over the years. What is Naloxone? Put […]
Getting Hooked on Opioids After the Dentist

Dentists and medical professionals, in general, are an important component in fighting the opioid epidemic, as they play a large role in perpetuating the prevalence and availability of these substances, due in part to what appears to be careless prescribing practices. In recent years, despite releasing its guidelines for prescribing opioids for chronic pain, the […]
The Opioid Crisis in the News

With the opioid crisis on the rise, and the “war on drugs” raging on, it’s not a surprise that pharmacies and other involved parties are beginning to be held responsible for the promotion of opioid prescriptions. As the research surfaces from nationwide task forces, we are beginning to get a clearer picture of the players […]
The Pros & Cons of Suboxone

Opioid addiction has the ability to overcome people in unfair ways. Many only become aware of having a serious problem after they already are addicted. If the source of the opioid drug was a doctor who prescribed it to treat pain, it is unbelievably easy to get trapped in addiction. It is very common to falsely […]
Tramadol Withdrawal

Tramadol addiction can become a life-threatening medical condition. People who take Tramadol to relieve pain often end up becoming addicted to it and need help. If you or someone you love has developed an addiction, you may wonder about the possibility of completing tramadol detox at home but aren’t sure if it’s safe. Tramadol detox […]
Fentanyl Addiction: A Growing Epidemic

What is Fentanyl? Over the last several years, Fentanyl has become one of the most widely abused drugs in the United States. A synthetic opioid with a similar chemical makeup to heroin, it is commonly prescribed for a variety of medical ailments. It can be 50-100 times more potent than morphine. It is typically used […]
Medical Detox: Don’t Face Withdrawal Symptoms Alone

How drug and alcohol addiction works Substance abuse disorders affect dopamine levels in the brain, creating an unnatural chemical change. When intense psychological and physical cravings are developed and fed on a regular basis it results in physical and emotional dependence on drugs and alcohol. The longer a person uses drugs or alcohol, the more […]
At Home Heroin Detox

At home heroin detox with a concierge medical team After a heroin addiction has gutted someone’s life—and only then—will they finally have had enough of the misery and begin to consider getting help. By this point they have run out of excuses to keep using and face the harsh reality that without treatment they will […]
Detox from Oxycodone at Home

Detox from Oxycodone at home safely You have taken the brave step to break free from the chains of addiction. You are committed to making the necessary changes to put your life back on track and to create a healthy and stable lifestyle. It would be so awesome if you could just wave a magic […]