Alcohol and Its Effect on Memory

Any type of alcohol use, from moderate to heavy, has an effect on our bodies and our brains. It’s important to understand that heavy alcohol use causes damage to body organs and, most importantly, to the brain. Before understanding how alcohol affects our memory, we should first review how the brain creates new memories. How […]
Best Home Detox in the USA

Traditional detox involves signing up for a detox program away from home and residing in the facility until you have completed the process. However, millions of people don’t get access to detox that they so urgently need because they don’t have the time and resources needed. For most people, signing up for a detox program […]
How to Find the Best Home Detox

Research shows that drug addiction affects more than 25 million Americans. Dependence on drugs has many effects on addicts and those close to them. Its results include declining health of addicts, destruction of relationships, and abdication of responsibilities by addicts. Overcoming a substance dependence is necessary to live a long, healthy life. Once you choose […]
Best Bipolar Disorder Home Detox Treatment

Bipolar disorder is a severe mental condition that can cause a lot of harm if left untreated. Previously called manic depression, it is an illness characterized by sudden, extreme changes in emotional states, mood, energy levels, judgment, and behavior. Patients need treatment to curb its effects, which include destroyed relationships, a decline in one’s performance […]
Medically-Assisted Detox Explained

A medically assisted detox processes are plans set in place to help the body relearn how to function without the drug. For people who have fallen prey to addictive patterns and have used substances such as opioids, methamphetamines, and alcohol, quitting “cold turkey” is not recommended. Rather, having a detox plan set in motion by […]
The 8 Principles of Effective Detox

Effective detox plans should follow specific guidelines. When reading about detox plans, make sure they target all the aspects below in order to adequately address substance abuse and lead to sobriety. 1. Detox is one part of a continuum of care for addiction. Addiction takes on many forms, and the consequences, therefore, affect many areas […]
The Devastating Effects of Meth

Many people are aware that there is an addiction epidemic in the United States. What many people don’t realize is that crystal meth addiction is a big part of the equation. While the country has been slowly addressing the opioid epidemic, it’s once again battling problems with newer, stronger versions of the drug. The devastating […]
How to Safely Detox from Alcohol at Home

Note: Detoxing from alcohol at home can be physically dangerous. Do not attempt alcohol detox at home without the assistance of a trained medical professional. Many people who are addicted really want to stop drinking, but they’re not sure how to do it. Heavy drinkers can also face frightening and dangerous side effects as they […]
Why Detoxing at Home is a Good Idea

Deciding that you’re ready to pursue a drug-free lifestyle is a huge and life-changing decision, however, unfortunately, it is only the first of many on your recovery journey. Perhaps you have been subject to an intervention, and your eyes were opened to the impact of your use on yourself and loved ones in your life. […]
How to Express Concern to Loved Ones

When watching your loved one do battle with an addiction, it can be especially difficult to watch, and particularly challenging when you get caught in the crossfire. It is not always easy to talk to these individuals without them becoming distraught or defensive, and knowing what to say yourself can be half of the challenge. […]