The Danger of Using Tramadol for Xanax Withdrawal

Once you decide to stop using drugs, you must ensure your detox is safe. For many benzodiazepines, users quit by replacing one substance with a less potent one. This switch can pose severe challenges to your recovery and even your health. For example, there are significant risks involved if use tramadol during Xanax withdrawal. If […]
How Long do Suboxone Withdrawal Symptoms Last?

Suboxone is a prescription drug that comprises a mixture of naloxone and buprenorphine that is used to treat opioid dependency and addiction. Suboxone is categorized as a schedule three prescription drug, which denotes that it is acceptable for medical purposes. Still, it may lead to psychological and physical dependency if misused and abused. But are […]
How to Detox From Drugs at Home

Detoxification refers to the duration of time that the body is given to process any drugs in its system. In doing so, it clears the body of all toxic substances. Detox is the first step to recovery. The aim of detoxing is to help the individual safely manage withdrawal symptoms during their recovery process. Many […]
Best Home Detox from Drugs and Alcohol in New York

Statistics show that there are more than 24 million people in the U.S. having a substance use disorder. These individuals could include you or someone close to you as addiction does not discriminate. It affects people from different categories in society. These individuals often need help to overcome their dependence. Addiction treatment continues to evolve. […]
At-Home Executive Detox

Detox is the act and process of abstaining from drugs after a considerable amount of use. Your body will be used to the regular use of drugs. As a result, you will face withdrawal symptoms depending on factors like the type of substance you abused and how much you have used. If you detox by […]
Food Addiction. Are You an Addict?

As humans, eating is a necessity for normal body functioning and survival. At some point in our lives, we have overeaten food for being deliciously irresistible, our favorite meals, or due to cravings. This is normal since it has happened to almost everyone, but there is a very thin line between food addiction and over-indulgence […]
COVID-19: Addiction Recovery in the Middle of a Pandemic

The emergence of the coronavirus pandemic has caused widespread fear and uncertainty across the world. At first, it seemed like a different strain of the flu, but it’s speedy spread and death toll pushed humanity to recognize it as a dangerous virus finally. Governments of different countries have taken it upon themselves to enforce varying […]
What is CCAPP (California Consortium of Addiction Programs and Professionals)

As the rate of addiction soars in the United States, the demand for substance abuse counselors continues to rise. Statistics by the Department of Labor show that this need will increase by close to 23% between 2016 and 2026. This growth is mainly because of two factors. First, more Americans continue to seek addiction counseling […]
How to Detox from Xanax at Home

For those who have used or abused Xanax for some time, it is quite common for them to wonder how they can detox from Xanax at home or if it is even possible in the first place. Those who quit using Xanax may experience uncomfortable withdrawal signs. Some effects of detoxing from this drug are […]
Registered Nurse Services. Why at Home Detox Is Popular

Addiction treatment has always been done in confined surroundings with constant supervision by doctors and other certified caregivers. While this care has often been life-changing, it is continuously viewed with some judgment. This perception has made many addicts hesitant to seek help, even though their health, finances, and life are dependent on it. These addicts […]